Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Initial Lighting Trial

 This was an initial attempt at seeing the effect of  a light source on my model. I experimented with colors, radius, the beat of the light and different views. I think I have generally decided that I would prefer the light source to be concentrated into the box which will be traveling around and animated so to exaggerate the angles of the model and make it a more interesting environment to explore. However, it was an interesting experiment to play with the source of the light and observe the effect of that on the tone of my model.


Monday, 17 September 2012

Re-Refined Model in SketchUp

                                                                     New Texture

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Exploritory Views

Just some views that I am interested in referencing in my final movie. I like observing the complexity of the angles and with a light source that will be exaggerated so the viewer may 'discover' the model. I will also have different textures on the different components is there is depth of tone.